Category: Animals

Why I Like Romania

We have been in Romania for nearly a month.

I love the animals here like horses, cows, piglets, chicks, giant rabbits, calves and cranes. They have wild bear that will eat you whole and wolves that live in the woods.


I also like the cottages here. They are made of oak and mud to use like cement. The thick layer of mud keeps them insulated so they are warm in winter and cool in summer. It gets to minus 25 degrees Celsius, that is the coldest. In summer it is hottest, it is about 28 degrees Celsius now.

Romania is a 24 hour drive from London and is next to Turkey and Bulgaria. Ukraine is to the north and we went there for a walk. Romania is in Europe but they don’t use Euros for money, they use Lei.

I really like it here in Romania.

The London Aquarium


I loved the London aquarium, there is such lovely stuff there.

I loved the penguins, I named a penguin Flopster, he was cute.

That is a fake whale skeleton by the way, but it looked really realistic. It was there in the aquarium to look good and give the fish something to swim around.

It was awesome there, I had lots of fun.

The best part of the aquarium was the big sharks and walking above them in the tank on glass. There were lots of really big rays too.

I recommend going to London Aquarium, it is near the London Eye. We went on that too and saw the Shard. It was really fun up there.

Coatis in Guatemala


Coatis in Guatemala

A coati in Guatemala

There is lots of wildlife in Guatemala.

Yesterday I saw lots of coatis in the sub-tropical rain forest in Guatemala.

I called a coatemundi Cutey and I called another Fluffy.

The babies were very adorable.

The females live in groups with the babies but the males leave the group when they are 3 years old. This is a male.

They are mammals and they are related to the racoon. They eat everything except sticks. They live in the trees and on the ground. When they are frightened they climb into the trees and jump down to disappear. We thought they were monkeys up in the trees. We saw spider monkeys and a tarantula tree too.

Parakeets in Guatemala


Yesterday we were at the restaurant on the hill. It had lots of stuff in the gardens, like birds, art, shops and a playground. The bird was on my hat. The bird had two babies. They were very fluffy and cute. The food was nice, I had pupusas con queso, black corn tortillas and beans (frijoles).The playground was great and we could see the volcano smoking.

My Guinea Pigs


These were my guinea pigs they were new born babies. Baby guinea pigs are born with their eyes open. They are very cute.They were like mini pigs. My guinea pig was one of the babies, my brother’s guinea pig was the mother. My guinea pig was called Egypt. They are all dead now, guinea pigs don’t live long.

My Cats


My cats were the best cats I ever had but we went travelling .once at hone they found a tarantula in the garden it was scary.

Pretty cat died a long time a go, after a mean dog attacked her in our front garden. she had to have an operation that cost $600 at the vet’s.

Ho cat was my cat, Pretty cat was my brother’s.

Ho cat was named after Ho Chi Min, he was from Vietnam.

We had a lot of guinea pigs too, I think about 18.

We also had 2 budgies, they flew away after Ho cat jumped up at the cage.

We Saw a Blue Whale in Sri Lanka


I have seen a blue whale in Sri Lanka . Blue whales are the biggest mammals in the sea .They don’t look blue, they look grey.

This is a photo of a blue whale in a museum in New York in the USA.


Setting Simple Expectations

Setting Reasonable, Achievable Expectations and Thriving while Reflecting on Travels Around the World