Category: Uncategorized

Hello and Goodbye

Goodbye from and Hello

Hi everyone, we are in London right now. I am moving this site to the best blog ever

This is because this blog is owned by wordpress dun dun duun!

It is a free beginners blog and I am moving to a professional blog that can make mmmmoooonnneeeyyy!

There are no posts on it yet, I have to design it first but it is TARDIS blue like this one.

we are in London right now and it is super hot annnnddddd we bought a house!!! It is in Romania and it has an outer shell but no floors 🙂

We are going to be building it soon.

Here in London in this flat we are house sitting and i have a garden if you want to to buy a tomato go to amazon i will sell them on there LOL.

Bye everyone!

Bad Cruises

Some cruises are good, but some are very bad.

I have been on a very bad cruise. At breakfast there was sloppy eggs and some very bad sausages, they looked plastic.

But the cheeses weren’t bad.

At dinner it wasn’t that bad, but we had pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza.

There was nothing to drink but water.

At breakfast there was very sweet juice drinks.

The pool was salt water and it stang my eyes.

The kids club was so, so bad. They did nothing for people my age. They had an X box and Wii, that was the only think I liked but we could only use it for half an hour at certain times.

I want to go on a Norwegian cruise again, but not on the bad one.

We visited some countries, Elephanta caves were good, but hot. Mostly we just saw dock yards.??????????????????????

This is the first story I have ever written. I hope you like it.

cyber man drawing


The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to open a cyber door and escape.

Outside the head cyber guard was shut down by the sonic waves.

The cyber guard was waking up.

The doctor ran to the TARDIS before leaving a bomb behind.

The TARDIS disappeared and the bomb exploded!!

The cyber threat was gone.



This is to prove I wrote it!

cyber man story

Setting Simple Expectations

Setting Reasonable, Achievable Expectations and Thriving while Reflecting on Travels Around the World