Category: The Americas

Norwegian Epic Cruise



This is the best cruise ever!!!

We came from Miami in the USA to Spain on Norwegian Epic.

On the Norwegian Epic there was an ice bar.

I liked the water slides and the pools were freezing but there was a hot tub to warm up.

On the Norwegian Epic we saw dolphins and whales.

On the Norwegian Epic there was a kids’ club, it was great.

The food was not bad.

I had caviar.

I like cruises a lot, I want to go on another one, one day.

Tikal Guatemala

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is Tikal in Guatemala. It is Mayan there are lots of pyramids and temples we climbed some. It was in the rain forest, it was hot and it was fun. The Mayan king sacrificed his willy blood to the gods.


Coatis in Guatemala


Coatis in Guatemala

A coati in Guatemala

There is lots of wildlife in Guatemala.

Yesterday I saw lots of coatis in the sub-tropical rain forest in Guatemala.

I called a coatemundi Cutey and I called another Fluffy.

The babies were very adorable.

The females live in groups with the babies but the males leave the group when they are 3 years old. This is a male.

They are mammals and they are related to the racoon. They eat everything except sticks. They live in the trees and on the ground. When they are frightened they climb into the trees and jump down to disappear. We thought they were monkeys up in the trees. We saw spider monkeys and a tarantula tree too.

New Clothes in Guatemala


I am in Guatemala this week. They have some really nice clothes here. My old clothes were worn out so I got some new ones. I got new trousers and a shirt and  two bracelets. The Mayan ladies make all the clothes here. I got two birds made from beads too. I like Guatemala, the food is nice too.

The hamburger with chips was very nice.


Parakeets in Guatemala


Yesterday we were at the restaurant on the hill. It had lots of stuff in the gardens, like birds, art, shops and a playground. The bird was on my hat. The bird had two babies. They were very fluffy and cute. The food was nice, I had pupusas con queso, black corn tortillas and beans (frijoles).The playground was great and we could see the volcano smoking.

Food in Guatemala


This is a burrito. I like burritos, it was very yummy. It is wrapped in a tortilla, they are made  from corn.

In Guatemala we eat a lot of fried banana, avocado and re-fried beans. I like food in Guatemala.

Volcanoes in Antigua, Guatemala

volcanoes in Antigua Guatemala

In Antigua Guatemala there are lots of active volcanoes. This morning we went for a walk and we saw one of the volcanoes smoking. We went closer to the volcanoes  to take a photo but the volcano wasn’t smoking it had stopped.

Setting Simple Expectations

Setting Reasonable, Achievable Expectations and Thriving while Reflecting on Travels Around the World