Category: Food

Truffle Hunting in Umbria

truffles in Umbria

I went truffle hunting in Umbria. Umbria is in the middle of Italy,  it has hills and countryside. Nearly all of Umbria is covered in farms. They grow, olives, tomatoes, courgettes, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, lettuce, fruit and herbs.

The truffles grow wild in the woods. Sometimes you can find really big truffles. You use a dog to sniff them out, they grow under ground they are a fungus like mushrooms. They are very expensive and they taste yum. We ate them on pasta and in salami and in balsamic vinegar and sauces.

We brought our truffles home for Dad, for his birthday. They are in the freezer.

New Clothes in Guatemala


I am in Guatemala this week. They have some really nice clothes here. My old clothes were worn out so I got some new ones. I got new trousers and a shirt and  two bracelets. The Mayan ladies make all the clothes here. I got two birds made from beads too. I like Guatemala, the food is nice too.

The hamburger with chips was very nice.


Parakeets in Guatemala


Yesterday we were at the restaurant on the hill. It had lots of stuff in the gardens, like birds, art, shops and a playground. The bird was on my hat. The bird had two babies. They were very fluffy and cute. The food was nice, I had pupusas con queso, black corn tortillas and beans (frijoles).The playground was great and we could see the volcano smoking.

Weird Foods: Fried Bugs


My dad has eaten weird foods. We see lots of weird foods, once we saw bats on a stick in Laos. They were little bats, the lady caught them with a net.

In Thailand we saw fried scorpion and spiders. In Malaysia we saw duck tongue, bills and feet. The weirdest food I hath ever eaten was baby octopus it tasted like squid, squid is one of my favourites.

Yummy Stuff in Sri Lanka

yummy stuff in sri lanka

Food in Sri Lanka is yummy. This is my food in Sri Lanka . It is a hopper, in the middle is curd and tricle. Tricle is made from coconut palm syrup. Curd is yoghurt made from buffalo milk.

Sri lanka is an island south of India at the very tip.

Other Yummy Stuff in Sri Lanka

We ate chocolate rotis for breakfast, sometimes we had pancakes and at dinner we had banana milk shakes. In the milk shakes there was ice cream. Egg hoppers and egg curry were good too. We also had chocolate cake sometimes in Kandy. Next to the chocolate roti shop there was a sop that sold lots of stuff, sometimes we bought biscuits there and yogurts. They were really nice, especially when you dip the biscuits in the yoghurt. they were ginger biscuits.

I loved Sri Lanka. I loved going in the 2.5m waves in Mirissa. We saw 3m waves. We didn’t go in them though, they were too big for me. My Dad was too worried about my brother and I. We held baby turtles and saw blue whales and right wales in Sri Lanka


Food in Guatemala


This is a burrito. I like burritos, it was very yummy. It is wrapped in a tortilla, they are made  from corn.

In Guatemala we eat a lot of fried banana, avocado and re-fried beans. I like food in Guatemala.

Setting Simple Expectations

Setting Reasonable, Achievable Expectations and Thriving while Reflecting on Travels Around the World